Monday, 12 January 2015

Game Developer: magazine archive

Game Developer ran from April 1994 to July 2013.  The magazine contains much of interest to game designers, and is the source of material reprinted elsewhere. (For example, Doug Church's "Formal Abstract Design Tools", which started as a talk at GDC, first appeared in printed form in the August 1999 issue of Game Developer; it was re-published as a Game Developer article on Gamasutra and is available in various forms on the web (including a powerpoint presentation by Earle E. Lane of Delta College) and it has also been re-printed in Salen and Zimmerman, eds (2006) The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology).

The entire Game Developer archive is available here:

This is great, as is gives access to every issue in PDF format, as well as code examples in zip files. For those who want to download everything (and who wouldn't), the process is made easier with the Download Them All extension for Firefox.

Install the Download Them All extension, restart Firefox (yes, really!) reload the Game Developer archive page and right-click. Select dTa OneClick from the context menu and type ".pdf, .zip" into the Fast Filtering pane. Select a destination with 3Gb storage and the download will chug away in the background.